
Please find all details below on how you apply to join our Group, (including our Waiting List Policy), and what to do on being accepted!

Joining Us

The Waiting List policy for 10th Royal Eltham Scout Group:

This policy explains how we match places, as they become available, with young people on the waiting list.

General Notes

10th Royal Eltham Scout Group regrettably has to operate waiting lists for all of its four sections.

We accept as many children as we can each year but we have to refuse far more than we accept due to lack of Leaders.

All of our Leaders work full-time and are volunteers. We run all the sections at maximum capacity.

When applying for a place on the waiting list, please fill out a Join Form on our website. Include your young person’s name, their date of birth, gender, full address and contact details of a parent/guardian. Make sure to include a current email address as this is how you will be contacted if a place becomes available.   

A child’s name can be added to the waiting list 12 months prior to the starting age of that section.

Therefore, a young person can join the waiting list for Squirrels at age 3, Beavers at age 5, Cubs at age 7 and Scouts at age 9 ½. 

If you have a number of children who would like to join 10th Royal Eltham, please fill out a separate Join Form for each child at the appropriate time (outlined above).

When a young person becomes too old for one section’s waiting list, they will be transferred to the next section’s waiting list. The parent will be contacted by the admin person to confirm if the young person is still interested in remaining on the waiting list.  

Priorities when allocating places

Please note that allocation of all places is at the discretion of Section Leaders, the Group Scout Leader and the Trustee Committee.

The following is a list of criteria that we use when allocating places to young people:

  • The date of joining the Waiting List is the order places will be allocated in and not by age.           
  • The young person is already a member of the group and is moving up from the section below (i.e Squirrels to Beavers, Beavers to Cubs or Cubs to Scouts).
  • The young person will have at least two terms within the Section being joined before moving up to the next section. 

As previously mentioned, we run each section at the maximum capacity. We also have long waiting lists for each of the sections. We will suggest alternative local Scout groups if there are no spaces available and a very small chance of the offer of a place.

Policy agreed at Trustee Meeting 24/5/2023

Waiting List Criteria

We can only accept applications from the child’s parent or legal guardian.

We only accept applications via our website.

The 10th Royal Eltham is primarily for children living in the Shooters Hill area. If you are not close to our base(s) at Christ Church Shooters Hill or Shrewsbury House, you may wish to consider other scout groups within the Royal Greenwich District.

Take a look at our neighbouring scout groups here:

Adult Helpers

We are always on the look-out for new adults to become leaders and trustees of our Scout Group so there is never a waiting list. Whether you want to take up a uniformed role or help out on an occasional basis in a non-uniform role you will be most welcome. Please contact the Group Scout Leader on our Contact Us page. Don’t worry, we don’t throw you in at the deep end straight away and the Scout Association has a comprehensive training programme to develop you in the role you choose particularly if you want to work directly with our Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers.

For questions or assistance, please email us at

Click here for more details on our different sections

Joining Us

On joining our Group you will be asked to fill out a number of forms to enable us to set your child up on Online Scout Manager. OSM is a secure portal we use to administer everything from the programme, payments, badges, awards and events and is trusted by thousands of Scout Groups worldwide.

Membership Fees
Being a charity, we have to raise funds to cover ongoing costs of things like badges, materials for activities and general running expenses, one of those ways is the Membership Fee. Importantly, the membership fee also covers your child’s insurance. Camps and some other activities will usually have a charge attached.

All members pay £25 per month as of January 2024, paid by Subscription on Online Scout Manager. If there are any changes we will let you know with as much notice as possible. If at any point paying membership fees causes concerns do speak to the GSL confidentially, and we may be able to help.

Gift Aid
The Group is able to recover income tax on any donation, including Subs – we can recover 25p for each £1 of subscription. The only criteria is that the individual making the donation has to pay income tax or capital gains tax of at least the amount to be recovered by the Group. You will be supplied with a Gift Aid Form.


Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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