So what is Scouting?
Scouting is an International Movement, which began in 1907; it is estimated that there are now over 40 million members in over 200 countries worldwide and over half a million in the UK. The Scout Association accepts members offers equal opportunities for both boys and girls no matter what their social, religious or ethnic background may be.
“The Aim of the Scout Association is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.”
Scouting has a simple and positive Promise made by all its Members. This gives a distinctive ethos to the practices of the Movement and acts as a bond with Scouts in other countries. There are several important things that make Scouting different from many other youth organisations:
You can find out lots more about UK Scouting on the national website